The Perfect wine for Toast Skagen

Toast Skagen is a classic dish created in restaurant Riche in Stockholm back in the 1950’s. It consists of a toasted white bread and mayonnaise-based paste of fresh shrimps, topped with fish roe and dill right before serving.

Château de Plaisance’s biodynamic vineyards are located in the Loire Valley and are carefully taken care of by 32-year-old Vanessa Cherruau, the owner of the estate. Most of the estate’s 25 hectares are dedicated for wine cultivation and mainly for Chenin Blanc. All the production has been organic since 1995 and biodynamic since 2008.

Strindberg’s Toast Skagen is one of the best in the whole of Helsinki. There is a reason it is one of the most popular dishes of the restaurant – and has been for several years. We wanted to find the perfect wine match for this classic dish, one that would complement both the food and the wine. Jury’s favorite in the blind tasting was a classic Chenin Blanc from the Loire Valley.

Château de Plaisance L’Anjou Blanc has a ripe fruity aroma in the nose with dry yet bold and juicy flavors. The elegant bitterness in the aftertaste balances out perfectly the rich fruitiness of the flavor and makes the taste linger for a long time. Grapes are handpicked and wine is spontaneously fermented.

L’Anjou Blanc compliments beautifully the delicate aromas of the fresh shrimps and it has plenty of acidity to lighten up the richness of the dish. Strindberg’s Toast Skagen and Chenin Blanc from Plaisance make a wonderful combination everyone should try.

Saammeko esitellä yhden klassikkolounaamme suosikkiannoksista: hiillostettua lohta, béarnaisekastiketta ja uppomuna. Täydelliseksi kypsennetyn lohen viimeistelee rutistus sitruunalohkosta ja lasillinen kylmää valkoviiniä tai roseéta. 

Yläkerran lounas tarjolla arkisin 11.30-15. Toki tätä klassikkoa saa myös iltaisin!
Halusit sitten nauttia kesän viimeisistä auringonsäteistä, tai syksyn ensimmäisistä putoavista lehdistä, Striban terassi on paras mahdollinen valinta! Vaikka kuukausi vaihtuu, terassikelit pysyvät.

Satunnaisina sadepäivinä alakerran kahvila on muuten aivan erityisen tunnelmallinen - tuu kokeilemaan vaikka itse! 🌞🍂
Striban klassikot maistuvat sukupolvelta toiselle🧡

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Kiitos kuvasta @venlakarjalainen ❤️

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Elokuu antaa parastaan, kesä ja terassilounaat sen kun jatkuvat! 

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Classic = a work of art of recognized and established value. Kuten Striban yläkerran lounas. 

Tarjolla joka arkipäivä 11.30-15.


Yläkerran lounas palaa kesälomaltaan! Huomisesta 5.8. lähtien 2. kerros palvelee jälleen ma-pe klo 11.30 lähtien tarjoten klassikot sekä vaihtuvan lounaslistan.

Lounaslistan löydät lounas-kohokohdasta!

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